Monday, July 11, 2016

Dendera Temple complex ( Part 2 )

1 - The whole complex covers some 40,000 square meters and is surrounded by a hefty mud brick enclosed wall , while its original space is amounts to 81m × 38m , and it includes many temples and religious buildings . 

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Dendera Temple complex ( Part 1 )

About the temple :

  • Dendera temple is one of the most important and latest temple sites of Egypt, and provides examples of a particularly rich variety of later temple features .

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Temple of Ramesses II In Abu Simbel

About Ramesses ІІ
Ramesses ІІ was the third Egyptian pharaoh of the 19th dynasty and he was ruled Egypt for about of 66 years ( 1279 – 1212 BC ) in his 20s . He was able to the construction many great monuments in Karnak , Luxor , Thebes , Abydos , Memphis and Nubia .