Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The rock tombs of El Amarna .. The Tomb of Ahmose ( No. 3 ) .. Part ( 13 )

A. Historical Notes

We now cross the mouth of the valley which here divides the northern group into two, and proceed south-eastwards along the cliffs to the Tomb No. 3, which is that of Ahmose, who was Veritable Scribe of the King, Fan-bearer on the right hand of the King, Superintendent of the Court-house, and Steward of the House of Akhenaten, a very important and confidential servant of the Pharaoh indeed, and closely attached to his person .

Friday, July 21, 2017

The rock tombs of El Amarna .. The Tomb of Meryra II ( No. 2 ) – The East and North Wall .. Part ( 12 )

4.  The Tribute of the Nations - East Wall . ( Plates 37 comprising Plates 38 to 40, and 47 ) .

The rock tombs of El Amarna .. The Tomb of Meryra II ( No. 2 ) .. Part ( 11 )

Historical Notes

Tomb No. 2 is that the Meryra II, who should be distinguished from his namesake Meryra I, who was a very much bigger man, being " High-priest of the Aten in Akhetaten, and Bearer of the Fan in the right hand of the King " . His tomb is No. 4 on the other side of the ravine in the northern group . Our Meryra II is merely a Royal Scribe and Superintendent of the Royal Harem .

Saturday, July 15, 2017

The rock tombs of El Amarna .. The Tomb of Huya ( No. 1 ) .. Part ( 10 )

The No. 1 of the list is the tomb of Huya, who, according to the inscriptions in it, was Superintendent of the Royal Harem, Superintendent of the Treasury, and Superintendent of the House – all the offices being held in connexion with the household, not of the Pharaoh, but of his mother Queen Tiy .

Thursday, July 6, 2017

El-Amarna - The Private Houses .. The Official Residence of a Noble – Workmen's Houses – Foreigners' Houses .. Part ( 9 )

Such was the estate of a private individual – not a particularly wealthy one perhaps, but nevertheless quite a warm man . And every private house conforms to the principles just described . A prince might have a dozen columns in his entrance hall and a few more rooms, a poor man was content with a hovel consisting of a central room with mere cubby-holes opening off it, but the principle of a main living-room surrounded by others to keep it cool is invariable .

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

El-Amarna - The Private Houses .. The Typical Private Estate .. Part ( 8 )

From Palaces and Temples we descend to private houses . These are best studied in the North Suburb, for not only is that the one section of the city to be completely excavated, but the houses on the whole belong to the middle classes and display perfectly the essentials of the Amarna house without the elaborations and additions of the nobleman's mansion .

Sunday, July 2, 2017

El-Amarna - The public buildings .. The Small Temple – The Temple Magazines – Maru-Aten – The North Palace .. Part ( 7 )

In connection with the King's House was the smaller temple – the Chapel Royal one might almost call it – of Hat-Aten . The main entrance to this is on the Royal Road, but, as we have seen, the King had a private entrance from his own house, and so had the priests from their quarters to the South .

El-Amarna - The public buildings .. Penehsy House – Records Office – The Great Palace – The Kings Palace – The Royal Magazines .. Part ( 6 )

The royal estate are consists of The House of Penehsy, The Great Palace, The King's House, The Royal Magazines and The Priests' Quarters .