Monday, August 15, 2016

The Great Temple Of Amen-Rê .. The Karnak Temple Complex .. Part ( 13 )

We pass through pylon No. IV, which formed the west front of the temple in the days of Tuthmosis I, but is now sadly ruined . The doorway was restored by Alexander The Great, the first of the later intrusions which we have to notice in this earlier part of the temple .

Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Great Temple Of Amen-Rê .. The Karnak Temple Complex .. Part ( 12 )

We now cross the Hypostyle Hall again, and go out by the south door, in the middle of the south wall, to view the reliefs of Ramses II . These relate to his campaign against the Hittites . The wall of the first of the southern courts of the temple projects from the middle of the east section of the south wall of the Hypostyle Hall, and on the western face of this projecting wall, in the angle formed by it with the wall of the hypostyle, is inscribed the treaty of peace, which was made between Ramses and Hattushilish, King of the Hittites, in the twenty-first year of the Egyptian king .

The Great Temple Of Amen-Rê .. The Karnak Temple Complex .. Part ( 11 )

Before we pass on to the eastern portion of the temple, which is mainly also the earlier portion, it is advisable to pass to the out-side of the hall, in order to see the historical reliefs which are carved on its south and north walls, and on the south wall of the pylon of Ramses I . We shall take these reliefs in their historical order, beginning with those of Seti I, which are on the north wall .