Sunday, September 4, 2016

Barque Shrine of Alexander the Great & Offering Table Room & Main Sanctuary of Amûn .. Part ( 7 )

Barque Shrine of Alexander the Great :-
From the birth-room, we pass into another three-columned chamber, whose reliefs are much damaged, and thence we enter the later Sanctuary, which was originally a four-columned vestibule before the earlier Sanctuary,

Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Birth Room of Amenhotep III and The Birth Cycle of the king at Luxor Temple .. Part ( 6 )

We now return to the Hypostyle Hall, in order to get access, by passing out of the temple, and re-entering it on the right hand, beyond the First Vestibule, to the Birth-room, which as we have seen, was at least one of the reasons for the building of the whole temple .

The Great Hypostyle Hall & The First Vestibule ( Roman Sanctuary ) in Luxor Temple .. Part ( 5 )

The Great Hypostyle Hall :-
From the Forecourt, we now pass into the Hypostyle Hall, which has 32 columns, arranged in four rows of eight columns each . Ramses IV and Ramses VI have usurped the columns by inscribing their cartouches on them .