Friday, August 18, 2017

The southern tombs of El Amarna .. The Tomb of Mahu ( No. 9 ) .. Part ( 21 )

A. Site and Condition of the Tomb
Tomb No. 9 belongs to Mahu or Meh, who was Akhenaten's chief of police . This tomb was opened by M. Urbain Bouriant in 1883 for the first time . Norman De Garis Davies has suggested that it was because the head of the New Scotland Yard at Akhetaten knew better than any one else ' the risk, or rather the certainty, that his tomb would be plundered after his death ' that he chose its location in such an inconspicuous position .

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The southern tombs of El Amarna .. The Tomb of Tutu ( No. 8 ) .. Part ( 20 )

Tomb No. 8 is that of Tutu, who may be the Dudu who figures somewhat suspiciously in Aziru's correspondence in the Amarna Tablets, and lies under grave suspicion of having been at least rather less than loyal in his dealings with his royal master .

Thursday, August 10, 2017

The southern tombs of El Amarna .. The Tomb of Parennefer ( No. 7 ) .. Part ( 19 )

Tomb No.7 is that of Parennefer, who was ' Royal craftsman, Washer of hands of His Majesty ' . This tomb is the northernmost of the tombs of the South Group, being excavated at the extreme end of the line of foot-hills ( Plate 13-c ) . Lying high up on a steep slope, its entrance was probably always traceable, if not actually open . A road which leads from it to the city across the plain helps to mark down the site . The name of the owner is injured wherever it occurs .