Thursday, October 5, 2017

The Temple of Seti I at Abydos .. ( Part 2 )

Historical notes
When Seti I, the second king of a new dynasty, came to the throne, he must have realised that he could offer no better proof of the legitimacy of his descent from the ancient Pharaohs of Egypt than by displaying an active regard for their souls' welfare .

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Abydos .. Part ( 1 )

El-Balyana ( Baliana ), 321½ miles from Cairo by rail, 354 by river, it is located about 6.8 miles ( 11 kilometers ) west of the Nile , it is a small town in the Sohag Governorate, is the starting-point for the visit to Abydos, which is one of the most interesting of Ancient Egyptian sites,

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

El-Amarna - The Boundary Stelae : The Stelae's Description .. Part ( 29 )

This is the last part in El-Amarna . Please Note : The letters A, B, F, J, K, M, N, P, Q, R, S, U, V and X Refers to the boundary stelae .

C. Description of the Stelae
These monuments are of an almost invariable form, of which Plate 26 gives an excellent example . They are rounded at the top, and the sky from which Aten sends his divergent rays on the altar and on the royal pair is correspondingly arched .