Sunday, October 22, 2017

The Osireion - The West Section .. Part ( 5 )

About the Site
Behind the temple of Seti I, and at a distance of only 26 feet from its wall behind the seven sanctuaries and Osiris chambers, lies a very remarkable building, which was discovered in 1902-3 by Prof. Margaret Alice Murray and Sir Flinders Petrie, partly excavated in 1911-1914 by Dr. Henri Édouard Naville, for the Egypt Exploration Society, and in 1925-1926 by Dr. Henri Frankfort, for the same society .

Sunday, October 8, 2017

The Temple of Ramses II at Abydos ( Part 4 )

The richness and beauty of the temple
The temple of Ramses II, which was erected early in that king's reign, lies a short distance to the north-west of that of Seti I .

Thursday, October 5, 2017

The Temple of Seti I at Abydos .. ( Part 3 )

The sanctuaries, and south wall of the second Hypostyle Hall

One should now enter the first sanctuary at the west end, which was dedicated to Horus . On its walls Seti is shown worshipping that god ; and especially noticeable are the beautiful reliefs on the east side (29), where one sees the sacred barque of Horus standing in its shrine, the king burning incense before it, while below he makes various offerings to Horus and Isis .