Thursday, November 2, 2017

Detailed description and hieroglyphic texts of the first discoveries of the Osireion – The Great Hall .. Part ( 8 )

The Great Hall
The Great Hall, the floor of which was more than forty feet below the surface of the desert, was fifteen feet wide, thirty-four feet long, and seventeen feet high . There were three doorways, one to the south, leading to the South Chamber ; one to the east, to the sloping passage ; one to the north, to the north passage .

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Detailed description and hieroglyphic texts of the first discoveries of the Osireion – The South Chamber .. Part ( 7 )

The South Chamber
The chamber south of the Great Hall is sculptured on the east, south, and west walls with the 168th chapter of the " Book of the Dead " . At first sight the arrangement appears confused, but a closer examination shows a very definite order .

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Osireion - The Central Hall and related annexes .. Part ( 6 )

The Central Hall
From the First Transverse Chamber a short passage leads eastward into the grand imposing Central Hall of the Cenotaph . This is a three-aisled chamber, 100 feet by 65 feet, surrounded by seventeen small cells, of which one, the middle one of the end wall, has been pierced to give access to a further transverse chamber .