Sunday, December 25, 2016

Other tombs include at The Valley of The Queens .. The last part

QV51 - Tomb of Queen Isis ( or Eset )
Eset or Isis was the wife of Ramses III, and the mother of Ramses VI .

Her tomb is much damaged and is scarcely worth a visit .

Saturday, December 24, 2016

QV44 - Tomb of Prince Kha-emwaset at The Valley of The Queens .. Part ( 6 )

This prince should not be confused with the much more famous son of Ramses II, the wizard prince of the magical tales of the Egyptian papyri .

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

QV52 - Tomb of Queen Titi ( or Tyti ) at The Valley of The Queens .. Part ( 5 )

Turning back on our tracks from the tomb of Amen(hir)khopshef, and taking the right-hand track at the fork of the paths, we pass two unnamed tombs, 54 and 53, and on our right hand we see the tomb No. 52, the tomb of Queen Titi, or Teyet or Tyti .