Thursday, August 10, 2017

The southern tombs of El Amarna .. The Tomb of Parennefer ( No. 7 ) .. Part ( 19 )

Tomb No.7 is that of Parennefer, who was ' Royal craftsman, Washer of hands of His Majesty ' . This tomb is the northernmost of the tombs of the South Group, being excavated at the extreme end of the line of foot-hills ( Plate 13-c ) . Lying high up on a steep slope, its entrance was probably always traceable, if not actually open . A road which leads from it to the city across the plain helps to mark down the site . The name of the owner is injured wherever it occurs .

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

El-Amarna - The southern group of the rock tombs .. Part ( 18 )

1.  Situation :-
We now move southwards towards the southern group of tombs, they are located off three miles from the south of the northern group . On our way we notice, about the centre of the arc formed by the high desert behind the city, a long and narrow promontory jutting out from the high ground, and enclosing at its broader western point a small hollow .