Thursday, September 22, 2016

The second courtyard of Hatshepsut's Temple and the shrine of Anubis .. ( Part 4 )

We now rise to the middle terrace, and have before us a picture of great beauty and interest . In front of us is the colonnade which stands in front of the retaining wall of the next ( upper ) terrace .

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The entrance and the first courtyard of Hatshepsut's Temple .. ( Part 3 )

The original approach to the temple was by an avenue of sphinxes leading up from the plain . This led up to the first portal, now almost completely destroyed .

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Feud of the Tuthmosids and the mutilation of Hatshepsut's reliefs in Hatshepsut's Temple .. Part ( 2 )

The buildings at the temple show signs of the dynastic troubles of the time . In the main, the building is Hatshepsut's ; but the names of her father Tuthmosis I,