Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Hatshepsut's expeditions to the land of punt at the Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut .. ( Part 6 )

We now return to the middle court, and go round the end of the ramp in order to reach the southern colonnade, on whose walls are the famous scenes of the voyage to Punt .

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Hatshepsut's Divine Birth in the Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut .. Part ( 5 )

We now return to the north, or Birth Colonnade, the reliefs on the rear wall of which represent the state fiction by which Hatshepsut was regarded as the actual child of Amûn by the Queen Ahmôse, the wife of Tuthmosis I .

Thursday, September 22, 2016

The second courtyard of Hatshepsut's Temple and the shrine of Anubis .. ( Part 4 )

We now rise to the middle terrace, and have before us a picture of great beauty and interest . In front of us is the colonnade which stands in front of the retaining wall of the next ( upper ) terrace .

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The entrance and the first courtyard of Hatshepsut's Temple .. ( Part 3 )

The original approach to the temple was by an avenue of sphinxes leading up from the plain . This led up to the first portal, now almost completely destroyed .

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Feud of the Tuthmosids and the mutilation of Hatshepsut's reliefs in Hatshepsut's Temple .. Part ( 2 )

The buildings at the temple show signs of the dynastic troubles of the time . In the main, the building is Hatshepsut's ; but the names of her father Tuthmosis I,

Monday, September 19, 2016

The Mortuary Temple Of Queen Hatshepsut at El-Deir El-Bahari .. About the temple and Historical Notes .. Part ( 1 )

Hatshepsut's beautiful temple has always been, and still is, one of the most deservedly famous of Egyptian temples . Since the discovery of the 11th Dynasty building

Friday, September 16, 2016

Dear Fans

Wait us in The Mortuary Temple Of Queen Hatshepsut ....

Don't leave ......

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The Pylon of Ramses II with The Battle of Kadesh and The end of our journey .. Part ( 11 )

The Pylon of Ramses II with The Battle of Kadesh :-
We now pass out of the Forecourt of Ramses by the western gate, and go round to the front of the great pylon .

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Forecourt of Ramses II and other buildings in this court .. Part ( 10 )

The Forecourt or Sun Court of Ramses II :-
The Forecourt of Ramses II, which we now enter, need not dating us long . Its chief significance to us is an illustration of the degeneration of architectural conceptions and forms within the comparatively short space of a century .

Monday, September 5, 2016

Apts or Opet festival scenes at Luxor Temple .. ( Part 9 )

The reliefs on the side-walls of the Colonnade Hall of Amenhotep III are of fine work, and of especial interest, portraying, as they do, one of the great religious festivals of the Theban year .

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Colonnade Hall of Amenhotep III at Luxor Temple .. Part ( 8 )

We must now retrace our steps to the Forecourt of Amenhotep where we first entered the temple, in order that we may complete our survey of the 18th dynasty buildings by viewing what is doubtless the most imposing part of the whole temple,

Barque Shrine of Alexander the Great & Offering Table Room & Main Sanctuary of Amûn .. Part ( 7 )

Barque Shrine of Alexander the Great :-
From the birth-room, we pass into another three-columned chamber, whose reliefs are much damaged, and thence we enter the later Sanctuary, which was originally a four-columned vestibule before the earlier Sanctuary,

Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Birth Room of Amenhotep III and The Birth Cycle of the king at Luxor Temple .. Part ( 6 )

We now return to the Hypostyle Hall, in order to get access, by passing out of the temple, and re-entering it on the right hand, beyond the First Vestibule, to the Birth-room, which as we have seen, was at least one of the reasons for the building of the whole temple .

The Great Hypostyle Hall & The First Vestibule ( Roman Sanctuary ) in Luxor Temple .. Part ( 5 )

The Great Hypostyle Hall :-
From the Forecourt, we now pass into the Hypostyle Hall, which has 32 columns, arranged in four rows of eight columns each . Ramses IV and Ramses VI have usurped the columns by inscribing their cartouches on them .

Friday, September 2, 2016

The great Forecourt of Amenhotep III in Luxor Temple ( Part 4 )

The great Forecourt of Amenhotep III, or as it is called ( Sun Court or Solar Court ) is one of the most perfect and noble examples of good 18th dynasty work . It measures 148 feet in depth from north to south, and 184 feet in width from east to west .

Entrance & Pylon & Chapel of Serapis in the Luxor Temple .. Part ( 3 )

The present entrance to the temple is by the great pylon to the north, this mode of entrance has the advantage that the visitor is thus introduced to the different parts of the temple in their historical order of succession .