Saturday, February 4, 2017

KV15 – Tomb of Seti II .. Part ( 11 )

Leaving No. 14, the tomb of Maiherperi ( No. 36 ) is passed, and a little beyond it we come to No. 15, the tomb of Queen Tausret's second husband Seti II .
Since 1922 this tomb has been famous as the laboratory in which the delicate objects found in the tomb of Tutankhamun were treated and restored .

The tomb was mapped for the first time in 1737-1738 by Richard Pocock and James Burton in 1825, and the first excavations were made by Howard Carter in 1903-1904 . The tomb consists of a short entrance followed by three long corridors leading to a room. The slope of the entrance and the following corridors is minimal .

This room opens onto the column-shaped room with its central elevation leading to the funerary chamber, which is extended by an unfinished corridor . The walls of the tomb are decorated with : scenes of the Litanies of Rê, The Book of that which is in the Underworld, The Book of Gates ( burial room ) and representations of the deceased and deities .

In itself, however, it has some claims to notice, as there is some good hollow relief-work, particularly a figure of the Pharaoh himself, which may be seen on the right-hand wall near the entrance, in the act of offering an image of Maet ( the goddess of truth ) . This is a piece of genuine though somewhat languid merit .

The cartouches and figures near the doorway have been in some cases erased and then re-cut ; a fact which has led to the supposition that the king was deposed and then reinstated . Much of the work has never been finished . The four-pillared hall has on the pillars figures of Nefertum, Horus, Harakhte, Maet, and other deities .

Apart from the first corridor, the decoration in the rest of the tomb was probably carried out after the death of the King . In the second and third corridors, only preliminary sketches were painted on a grayish plaster surface . There is a marked stylistic difference between the decoration in the column room and the first corridors of the tomb .

Part ( 12 ) .. Coming SoOoOon .....
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